Welcome to PUSD!
The schools of PUSD offer a wide variety of educational options designed to prepare today's students to be critical thinkers, creative problem-solvers, and strong communicators - the leaders of tomorrow.
PUSD graduates are earning admission to competitive colleges across the country.
Vibrant academics, exceptional teachers, and supportive school communities that nurture the whole child are the hallmarks of PUSD. Academic programs include:
- Dual Language Immersion programs in Spanish, Mandarin, and French
- Art and music education programs that connect with Pasadena’s renowned arts and culture
- International Baccalaureate, offered in elementary, middle, and high schools
- Art, STEAM, Dual Language Immersion, and Early College magnet schools
- College & Career Academies that prepare students for post-secondary success
- Early Childhood Education
- Math Academy for accelerated middle and high school students
Partnerships with civic organizations, businesses, and higher education create unparalleled opportunities to enhance the student's learning experience. Tour Our SchoolsTo learn more, we invite you to visit our schools.